
Welcome to Montessori Grasshopper! My name is Amanda and I’m the creator of this community. My journey began in the business world where I worked hard to earn my MBA as I was managing a business, but everything changed when I had my first child and discovered the beautiful world of Montessori. Inspired by this newfound passion, I returned to school, earning a Masters of Education and became a certified Montessori educator through the AMS program. Since then, I’ve had the privilege of serving as a Lead Guide, Head of School, and Director of Operations for a network of Montessori schools across the nation.

As a former Montessori educator and director myself, I know how challenging it can be to create high-quality, personalized materials for your students without spending hours on design work. That’s why I created Montessori Grasshopper – to provide educators like you with printables and easy-to-use design files that can be used with your Cricut and customized to suit the needs of your students.

My goal is to help you save time and unleash your creativity, so you can focus on what really matters – engaging your students and fostering their love of learning. Whether you’re working with infants and toddlers, children’s house students, or elementary schoolers, I’ve got you covered. Not only can you take the designs you see and customize them to your vision, but they can also be made to suit different needs of the students in your classroom, such as adding texture for the visually-impaired student, or using fabric to add an element of sustainability.

“The child has a different relation to his environment from ours… the child absorbs it. The things he sees are not just remembered; they form part of his soul.”

-Maria Montessori

In addition to my work with educators, I am also in the process of curating designs tailored specifically for individuals living with dementia. Studies have demonstrated that engaging adults with dementia in enjoyable and meaningful activities can positively impact their overall well-being, cognitive functioning, emotional state, and quality of life. By offering activities that match their interests and abilities, we can reduce agitation, improve communication and social interaction, and enhance feelings of purpose and self-esteem. For now, please enjoy reading some articles about the impact of Montessori for dementia care!

No matter what age you work with, our designs are carefully crafted with attention to detail and affordability in mind. Montessori can be for everyone, from first steps to seasoned paths, and I want to ensure that every caregiver has access to the tools they need to create a stimulating and nurturing environment for those in their care.

“Education is not a preparation for life; education is life itself.”

-Maria Montessori

Thank you for visiting Montessori Grasshopper, and I hope you find what you’re looking for on my website. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out, and happy creating!